NetMBA > Marketing

The Marketing Concept
An introduction to the marketing concept, beginning with the production concept, the sales concept, and the changes responsible for the shift to the marketing concept.
The Marketing Process
An overview of the marketing process with brief explanations of situation analysis, marketing strategy, marketing mix decisions, and implementation and control.
Situation Analysis
Analyze the internal and external marketing situation using the 5 C's of marketing - company, collaborators, customers, competitors, and climate.
Market Definition
A discussion of market definition, including the progressively narrowing scope of potential market, available market, qualified available market, target market, and penetrated market.
Market Segmentation
Introduces the need for market segmentation, requirements of market segments, and some bases for segmenting consumer and industrial markets.
Market Analysis
An outline of some of the dimensions of market analysis including market size, growth rate, profitability, cost structure, distribution channels, trends, and key success factors.
Target Market Selection
Lists criteria for selecting target market segments and presents five target market strategies.
Product Life Cycle
The concept of the product life cycle and how different life cycle stages call for different strategies and marketing mix decisions.
The Marketing Mix
An introduction to the marketing mix framework, including the marketing mix elements of product, price, place, and promotion.
Brand Equity
Defines brand equity from multiple perspectives, then outlines aspects of building, managing, and protecting brand equity.
Pricing Strategy
Discusses the basics of pricing a product or service, including pricing objectives and methods of achieving them.
NetMBA > Marketing